Thursday, March 17, 2011

Peri Du Platapus Igre


diciotto Non accadeva da anni: sabato 19 March, satellite apparire il nostro più ai nostri occhi big alone, 14% per l'esattezza. If Quello che è chiamato verificherà "perigee of the moon": the Moon, che sarà piena, if troubadour Infatti alla distanza minima with Terra, a chilometri circa 356,577.

time since last eighteen years: Saturday March 19, nuetra satellite will appear larger than normal, by 14%. Will be time for so-called "lunar perigee." The Moon, which will be filled, is in fact the minimum distance from Earth, about 356,577 km.

Since over most of Europe will be the blue sky, I recommend to all on a Saturday night alternative. Get away from the city, turn off the lights and enjoy this wonderful show. The Moon is the star closest to Earth and influence our lives every day ... and nights, so it seems the least give him a greeting when it is closer to us. Peace to all!

Dado que en Europa estaran largely de los cielos despejados, aconsejo a sabado noche a todos alternative. Alejaos de las ciudades, las luces y apagad gozad de this meravilloso show. The Moon is the nearest star to Earth and influence our lives every day ... and nights, I think the minimum entoncez give a greeting at the time that is closer to us. Peace for all!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feeling Sick Weak And Stomach

Wild - Rank Salvajes

Indian L'uomo di lavoro non AVEVA Obblighi tributi or verse alcuna di suo simile: cacciava and lavorava Bisogni per soddisfare i propri e proprio clan, e una volta questi soddisfatti Bisogni, dedicava il tempo e alle alle arti Tribali style. Il rispetto delle Regole veniva assicurato da associazioni volontaria base, Che were di due tipi: di polizia and civilization. Queste associazioni mantenevano l'ordine, e avevano funzione di controllo dei campi Sorveglianza, and regolavano the el'abbattimento caccia degli alberi.

The Indian man had no job duties or taxes with others: sadisfacer hunted and worked for their needs and those of his clan, and when these needs were covered, the time spent arts and tribal customs. Respect for the rules was secured by voluntary associations, which were of two types of police and civilians. These associations maintained order, had the function of controlling and regulating the hunting fields and cutting of trees.

It 's always nice to mention the lives of Native Americans. There are hardly any articles or sociological studies that criticize adversely the Native Americans, at least in recent decades. For us Europeans think of a type of society that simple, no leaders to tell us how to live without money to buy the whim of the moment and without private property, could be quite tiring and that is why many still believe, perhaps unconsciously, the natives as an inferior civilization to our own. However, this does not explain the enthusiasm with which he studied law and their way of life! Peace to all!

always a pleasure to talk about the life of Native Americans. Are hardly items or sociologist who studies native negatively criticize, at least in recent decades. For us Europeans think of a simple kind of society without leaders who tell us how to live, no money to buy the whims of the moment and without private property, could be very cansante and that is why even many think, maybe incociamente to the natives as a civilization than ours. But that does not explain the enthusiasm with which we study and read from their ways of living! Peace for all!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ativanexpiredside Affects

Not to be missed. Now it is no longer simple computer animation, but a true work of art audio-visual. Considering the poor quality of Hollywood films in recent years, our "Range" appears to be a real breath of fresh air.
did not miss anything! Excellent directing and screenwriting, excellent study of characters, great soundtrack, great animation and fun is guaranteed. The only flaw is a story about a little 'too linear, but the Americans can not then claim a lot of imagination. Peace to all and enjoy!

Absolut para no lose. Ya no se de simple entry animacion con el ordenador, mas bien entry if of a work of visual art. Considering further the low quality of Hollywood movies of recent years, our "Range" appears to be a real blast of fresh air. Nothing is missing! Optima address and script, optimal character study, excellent soundtrack, fantastic animation and the entertainment is guaranteed. The only defect is a story a tad linear, but the Americans we can not expect too much fantasy. Peace to all and good vision!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rocket Chef Culinaire

Carnival of Cadiz and the surrounding area - Carnaval de Cadiz y su Alrededores

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Where Buy Good Bong In Europe

Modern Writers - Escritores Modernos

When Gospels say that it was the''Jews''to accuse Jesus' condemnation and chidere to death, this does not mean that it is''all the people of Israel .'' The pope says Benedict XVI in his latest book.

If anyone has the patience to explain to Pope Benedict XVI that Jesus was jew and non-Christian, and the fact that you can not blame an entire population for the mistakes of a few, would do a favor to humanity intera.E 'like saying all Italians are mobsters or other generalizations of c *** o! Not to mention that the people of two thousand years ago are not the same today, but it would be asking too much for someone so anziana.Il mere fact that we should write a book to distinguish between good and bad for Jews Duemila anni fa, ci fa Capire l 'arretratezza mentale e culturale di persone Certe! Pace a tutti!

If someone tubiera the patience to explain to Benedict XVI that Jesus was Jewish and not Christian, plus the fact that you can not accuse an entire people for the mistakes of a few, would make Umana a favor to the whole. It's like saying all Italians are mobsters or other generalizations of m **** to! Not to mention that those two thousand years ago are not the same today, but it would be too much to ask an older person. The simple fact that you have to write a book to distinguish the poor Jews of the Jews good for two thousand years ago, we comprehending mental hare el atras y cultural de ciertas personas! Paz para todos!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Does Magicjack Work In London

The chicken every day - La gallina de los dias todos

A man had a hen that was the golden eggs, and believing in it there was a mass of gold , Having killed them, he found similar to other chickens. And he had hoped to find a wealth amassed , was deprived even of that small wealth. Aesop

A man had a hen that lays the golden eggs to and believing in it had a huge amount of gold, after killing her, he found similar to those of more. And, hoping to find incredible wealth was deprived of that small daily wealth. Aesop

Pace a tutti!

Peace for all!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Heroines Biggest Boobs

Carnival 2011 - Fiesta de Carnaval 2011

Come da tradizione, anche quest'anno We got dressed and we celebrated Carnival, so honoring Federica also in its second week birthday! eheheh!
Peace to all!

Como de Tradicion, este ano tambien nos hemos hemos festejados disfrazados y el Carnaval, giving omenaje tambien en su segunda semana Federica de cumpleaños! ejejejej!
Paz para todos!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Best Funny Spanish Phrases

ambassador takes no effort! - Embajador no llevar Penas!

The website, , reports that the ambassadors of almost all the 260 U.S. embassies, and consulates in over 180 countries are expected to convened at the Department of State Annunciata come quella che come questo di Riunione bonus guy. " L ', riporto: "il Segretaria di Stato sta Hillary Rodham Clinton calling for a Riunione degli Ambasciatori senza precedenti degli Stati Uniti."

web site,, writes that "the ambassadors of almost all the 260 U.S. embassies and consulates in over 180 countries are invited to the State Deparatamento for which bills itself as the first reunion of this kind. " the, writes: "The state Secertario Hillary Rodham Clinton is calling for an unprecedented reunion of the U.S. ambassadors."

mezzo mondo si ribella Mentre questi recall the ambasciatori.Non we are allowed to know the reasons for this global superiunione made in America, never happened before. The only sure thing is that this news did not affect in any newspaper. It is something in some Latin American newspapers, but otherwise dark! The U.S., like all empires, they arrived at a decadent and, unfortunately, is the time where mad-heads of damage! Peace to all!

Mientras average if mundo Rebel, juntan estos los Embajadores. No nos esta saber las razones de esta concedido global supereunion made in America, Jamas sucedida. The only seguro que esta noticia no es ningun has interesado diary. If encuntra algo en algunos periodicos Latin America, however, para los de mas total oscuridad! Como todos los Los EUU emperios, han llegado en su decadent phase y es el moment whence jefecillos if vuelven los locos! Paz para todos!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oxytetracycline Or Dianette

Raising his voice! - Levanta La Voz!

New York, February 17 (TMNews) - Attention to the effects solar eruption that are hitting the ground and could cause damage to communications. The warning came from NASA, which has warned against the possible consequences of the largest solar flare in four years. The electromagnetic waves may interfere with navigation systems and damage to communication systems and power lines. Another effect of this phenomenon is boreale dell'Aurora the VISIBILITA maggiore.

New York , February 17 ( TMNews ) - Attention to the effects of the eruption solar that reach the Earth and can damage to communications. The warning comes from NASA , that has warned against the possible consequences of the more solar eruption in four years. Electromagnetic waves can interfere with navigation systems and damaging to systems communication and power lines . Another effect of this phenomenon is the visibilidad mayor de las Auroras boreales .

While dictators on Earth vent their stupidity on poor people, the sun awakened by the crowds who claim justice, gives us a little demonstration of its strength. Without saying a word, you understand! We are fragile creatures bound only to the protection of the Earth. Those who have ears and eyes to hear, let him Peace to all!

While dictators on Earth vent their stupidity on poor people, the sun awakened Porlan crowds demanding justice, gives a small demonstration of their strength. Without saying a word, left intende! criaduras fragile we are only linked to protecion Earth. Who has eyes for intende oydos hear! Peace for all!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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far and near to home! - Lejanos y Vecinos de casa!

Libya-The North African country has no connection to the Internet since early this morning .- Today we are producing protests in several cities where clashes are taking place between demonstrators and security forces.

Bahrain-The protest goes on anti-monarchy slogans reformers for the repression - Crown Prince receives full powers to negotiate a solution to the crisis.

It 's amazing how they are just a few years of internet connections in Arab countries, to trigger the uprising of millions of people against their dictators. This means that the malaise had spread for some time and it took a minimum of communication between people to organize themselves and rebel against an illegitimate power. One thing is incomprehensible to us eurocerebrolesi of Big Brother, we continue to talk about democracy and justice, when we were the first to sow the world dictatorships and wars without end, under the guise of civilization and several bales! Of course, what really concerns us in this situation is the price of oil, as all of these people will want to properly enjoy the product of their land, whose price will be very high. All because our minds ultracivilizzate not you ever think of an alternative to oil, which fosse più a portata di mano. Dall'alto osserviamo e delle nostre giudichiamo teledemocrazie il mondo senza sapere di Farne part. Pace a tutti!

is amazing how a few years of conesion to the network in Arab countries has desencatenado an uprising of millions of people against the respective dictators. This means that the unrest was in the people and for some time and has been sufficient a minimum of communication between people to organize and rebel accounting illegitimate power. Something incomprehensible to us eurotontos the big brother, who still speak of democracy or justice, when we were the first to plant dictatorships in the world and endless wars, with the excuse of civilization and several more lies! Obviously what really concerns us in this situation is the price of oil, because all this people will surely want the benefits of the produce of their land, and that price will be very high. All this because in our minds has never happened ultracivilizadas the idea of \u200b\u200ban alternative to oil, which was more within our reach. From the top of our teledemocracy observe and judge the world, unaware of being in the. Peace for all!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wach South Park Free Ipod

Sleep Guaranteed! - Sueno garantizado

The music has strong potential soothing and gentle, soothing rhythms should be your choice. Devote only 10 or 15 minute listening to sleep before bedtime can guarantee good sleep and relaxation necessary to sleep peacefully. Has shown that listening to classical music before sleep is particularly effective ...

The music has a soothing forte potere ei sono rilassanti RITMI Soavi and Perfetti. Dedicate only 10 or 15 minuti di musica per dormire all'ascolto prima di sdraiarsi può a buon garantire e il sonno per dormire rilassamento NEED TO peacefully. E 'stato ascoltare musica che dimostato classic bedtime is particularly effective ...

We are deeply tied to the rhythm from an early age, listening to the heartbeat in the womb and in time we forget this amazing bio-regulator. In fact, if we listen to a music at a pace similar to that of our heart beating while we sleep, it will be much easier to fall asleep and have a relaxed sleep than go to bed after having seen and heard accelerate.Metto frequencies below a beautiful piano piece that I just discovered. Good sleep at all!

Estamos deeply vinculados pace desde muy Pequenos, escucha el corazon en el vientre Latido of maternal y con el tiempo de este nos olvidamos fantastic bioregulator. in fact if you hear music with a rhythm similar to what our hearts beating when we sleep, it will be much easier to have a relaxed sleep to go to bed after having seen and heard accelerated frequencies. I put on here to a beautiful melody for the piano I just descubrir.Felices dreams everyone!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Interational Color Scale

Wisdom Italian - Italian sabiduría

A Rubare bit if you are in galley Rubare whether fa carriera.
(Italian proverb)

Stealing little if he goes to Jail, if you hare mucho robando carrera.
(refran Italian)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Tally 7 Data To Tally 9 Data Transfer Steps


Berlin, it is known, is a city in the Caribbean , where you are in costume all year round. Where the houses are kissed by the sun and the clothes dry on the windows. If all this were true, perhaps the German technology would not have developed so much. Who knows. The fact remains Germans continue to amaze us, giving life to projects on energy saving and renewable sources, which are even more performance if you consider the climate and weather. The last is found at number 87 of Fasanenstrasse Berlin. Here is a house that produces twice as much energy than it consumes, including the energy account for the electric car in the parking lot attacks on tap and then use it to load. The loads, of course, with energy produced from the house.

Berlín , if sabe, es a d ciudad el Caribe , whence if está en banador todo el año during . Donde estan las casas kissed by the sun and clothes are dry the windows. If all this were true perhaps the German technology would not have developed so . Who knows . Germans still sorprendendonos , giving life to projects of energy saving and sources renewable. The last is in number of 87 Fasanenstrasse in Berlin . Here a house that occurs twice energy that consumes , including account energy for the car Electric that plugs into the garage. is load por supuesto , with energía producida por the home.

If most of the houses were built in this way, it would be a revolution! No longer require oil companies to be stupid or ditributori different energy. It is very likely to learn to manage our resources and enhance them personally, without suffering the abuse of power by the politician in office. So the question is: It's good to do good projects and study new technologies, but will then be put into practice to improve our esistenza? Pace a tutti!

If most of the houses were built in this way, it would be the revolution! Stupid not to depend on oil companies or distributors of energy. And very probably learn to personally manage and exploit our resources, not withstand the abuse of power by politicians. Entoncez the question is: It is good to always explore new projects and technologies, but then really be put in practice to improve our existence? Peace for all!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Verses Ask Money Birthday

home meditating

"in a luogo tranquillo Sedetevi ben eretti on the tip of a chair or on the ground in the lotus position or cross-legged on an empty stomach without leaning back, being careful not to lean to the right or left forward or backward.

-Push the tongue forward against the palate, the mouth is closed the teeth touch each other and the eyes are half-open, do not miss the look in a vacuum, not fixed anything.

-hands to place them palms up on his thighs trying to open as much as possible and relax your shoulders and your pelvis slightly straining his neck with his chin a little 'back, pushing the top of the head upward.

-Try to stay perfectly still and quiet the most arresting subtle movements of body and mind. Once set-

your perfect posture without excessive tension or relaxation, stay constantly focused on your vertical position.

-Let the breath and thoughts constantly as they are without intervening to change them, not scare them away or attacks continue to be attentive to the upright posture.

"If anything were to disturb your meditation and you become aware of thoughts, emotions, reluctantly, noise, pain, numbness, sleep or any feeling or feeling good or bad, come back always to be attentive on your posture.

This is the exercise meditazione della Zen, ovvero della costante ATTENZIONE OWN POSITION, the DURATA di questo può Esercizio mezz'ora durare da giorno ad un'ora to. "

" Sit in a quiet well upright on a chair or on the floor in the lotus position or with legs crossed on an empty stomach, without leaning back, taking care not to lean to the right or left forward or backward.

-Press tongue forward against the palate, the mouth is closed the teeth touch each other and the eyes are half open, do not miss the look in a vacuum, with nothing fixed.

-Place the palms of hands on his thighs trying to open as much as possible and relax your shoulders and hips, chin to chest, pushing the top of the head upwards.

-Try to stay completely still and quiet stopping the subtle movements of body and mind.

"Once you have established the perfect position without undue tension or relaxation, continually stay focused on its vertical position.

-Let your breathing and thoughts constantly as they are, without intervening to change or eliminate paying attention to the upright posture.

"If something were to disturb his meditation and see the thoughts, emotions, reluctantly, noise, pain, numbness, drowsiness or feeling anything good or bad, becomes continuously turning our attention to your posture .

"This is the practice of zen meditation, A constant attention to my position; the duration of this exercise can last from half hour to an hour a day. "

Quando parla di meditazione if zen if a pratica religious thought or Chissà quale altra orientale trovata! Invece di stare if Tratt only in a period posture eretta per più or meno lungo di tempo. Facilissimo to DIRSI, ma avete mai provatas? Pace a tutti!

When it comes to Zen meditation, think of a Eastern religious practice or who knows what! rather it is simply to stay in a good position for a period of time more or less long. Very easy to say, but what have you tried? Peace for all!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

She-male Encounters 05

Romero de San Cecilio en el Sacromonte

European Cookies Belgian Chocolate

Virtuarcheologia - Virtuarqueologia

L ' art and archeology, the search for past and remnants of ancient civilizations are always the main concern of Professor Kennedy and argument to which he devoted his whole life. One day by chance the Australian archaeologist finds himself navigating on Google Earth and a bit 'to curiosità, un po 'per gioco, generates Virtualia immagini della Terra e Scatti using photo satellitari aerei. In questo il professore has individuated mode probability 1,977 siti archeologici , nel deserto dell ' Saudi Arabia .

Art and Archaeology, past research and the remains of ancient civilizations have always been the main interest of Professor Kennedy and this dedicated his life. One day by chance the Australian archaeologist in google earth and between play and curiosity generated virtual images of the Earth using aerial photos and satelitares. Thus consiguiò encontrar el professor probables Sitios arqueologicos 1977, en ell desierto de Saudi Arabia.

a news seems incredible, but it reflects clearly the most absurd thing is that the makers of satellite and aerial photos every day, has never seen anything. Only two thousand sites in Saudi Arabia are so many, yet no one had seen anything before this Australian professor! Since this technique works, and probably others will put in virtual research from home and certainly we will see some good. Earth's history is long and the little that we are taught in schools is full of imprecisioni, così che sarà più qualsiasi informazione in Benvenuto! Pace a tutti!

news seems incredible, but think about it what is more absurd is that whoever makes the satellite and airplane photos every day, has not been realized nothing. Two thousand sites in Saudi Arabia alone are many, but nobody saw anything before the Australian professor! Since this technique works, you probably others in the search metaeran virtual snugly from their home and things will surely pass. The Earth's history is very long and what we teach in schools is full of inaccuracies, so qualcuier more information would be appreciated! Peace for all!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lcd Tv Green Line That Fades


Fred Buscaglione, nome d'arte di Ferdinando Buscaglione ( Torino, 23 novembre 1921 - Rome , 3 febbraio 1960 ) è stato a singer e attore Italian.

Fred Buscaglione, name art Buscaglione Ferdinando (Turin, November 23, 1921 - Rome, February 3, 1960) was an Italian singer and actor.

mi piace ascoltare Ogni both Fred and godermi il buon di qualche swing time all'italiana Nell'anniversario della morte, inserisco alcuni dei suoi brani più Famosi and far if che il più possibile if conosca questo musical genius. Godetevi show what di Freddy! Pace a tutti!

From time to time I like to listen to Fred and enjoy good time to swing some Italian. On the anniversary of his death, here I put some of their best songs and make known as much as possible his musical genius. Freddy's swoh Rejoice! Paz para todos!