Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Verses Ask Money Birthday

home meditating

"in a luogo tranquillo Sedetevi ben eretti on the tip of a chair or on the ground in the lotus position or cross-legged on an empty stomach without leaning back, being careful not to lean to the right or left forward or backward.

-Push the tongue forward against the palate, the mouth is closed the teeth touch each other and the eyes are half-open, do not miss the look in a vacuum, not fixed anything.

-hands to place them palms up on his thighs trying to open as much as possible and relax your shoulders and your pelvis slightly straining his neck with his chin a little 'back, pushing the top of the head upward.

-Try to stay perfectly still and quiet the most arresting subtle movements of body and mind. Once set-

your perfect posture without excessive tension or relaxation, stay constantly focused on your vertical position.

-Let the breath and thoughts constantly as they are without intervening to change them, not scare them away or attacks continue to be attentive to the upright posture.

"If anything were to disturb your meditation and you become aware of thoughts, emotions, reluctantly, noise, pain, numbness, sleep or any feeling or feeling good or bad, come back always to be attentive on your posture.

This is the exercise meditazione della Zen, ovvero della costante ATTENZIONE OWN POSITION, the DURATA di questo può Esercizio mezz'ora durare da giorno ad un'ora to. "

" Sit in a quiet well upright on a chair or on the floor in the lotus position or with legs crossed on an empty stomach, without leaning back, taking care not to lean to the right or left forward or backward.

-Press tongue forward against the palate, the mouth is closed the teeth touch each other and the eyes are half open, do not miss the look in a vacuum, with nothing fixed.

-Place the palms of hands on his thighs trying to open as much as possible and relax your shoulders and hips, chin to chest, pushing the top of the head upwards.

-Try to stay completely still and quiet stopping the subtle movements of body and mind.

"Once you have established the perfect position without undue tension or relaxation, continually stay focused on its vertical position.

-Let your breathing and thoughts constantly as they are, without intervening to change or eliminate paying attention to the upright posture.

"If something were to disturb his meditation and see the thoughts, emotions, reluctantly, noise, pain, numbness, drowsiness or feeling anything good or bad, becomes continuously turning our attention to your posture .

"This is the practice of zen meditation, A constant attention to my position; the duration of this exercise can last from half hour to an hour a day. "

Quando parla di meditazione if zen if a pratica religious thought or Chissà quale altra orientale trovata! Invece di stare if Tratt only in a period posture eretta per più or meno lungo di tempo. Facilissimo to DIRSI, ma avete mai provatas? Pace a tutti!

When it comes to Zen meditation, think of a Eastern religious practice or who knows what! rather it is simply to stay in a good position for a period of time more or less long. Very easy to say, but what have you tried? Peace for all!


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