Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Amny Ways To Form 15 Couples

far and near to home! - Lejanos y Vecinos de casa!

Libya-The North African country has no connection to the Internet since early this morning .- Today we are producing protests in several cities where clashes are taking place between demonstrators and security forces.

Bahrain-The protest goes on anti-monarchy slogans reformers for the repression - Crown Prince receives full powers to negotiate a solution to the crisis.

It 's amazing how they are just a few years of internet connections in Arab countries, to trigger the uprising of millions of people against their dictators. This means that the malaise had spread for some time and it took a minimum of communication between people to organize themselves and rebel against an illegitimate power. One thing is incomprehensible to us eurocerebrolesi of Big Brother, we continue to talk about democracy and justice, when we were the first to sow the world dictatorships and wars without end, under the guise of civilization and several bales! Of course, what really concerns us in this situation is the price of oil, as all of these people will want to properly enjoy the product of their land, whose price will be very high. All because our minds ultracivilizzate not you ever think of an alternative to oil, which fosse piĆ¹ a portata di mano. Dall'alto osserviamo e delle nostre giudichiamo teledemocrazie il mondo senza sapere di Farne part. Pace a tutti!

is amazing how a few years of conesion to the network in Arab countries has desencatenado an uprising of millions of people against the respective dictators. This means that the unrest was in the people and for some time and has been sufficient a minimum of communication between people to organize and rebel accounting illegitimate power. Something incomprehensible to us eurotontos the big brother, who still speak of democracy or justice, when we were the first to plant dictatorships in the world and endless wars, with the excuse of civilization and several more lies! Obviously what really concerns us in this situation is the price of oil, because all this people will surely want the benefits of the produce of their land, and that price will be very high. All this because in our minds has never happened ultracivilizadas the idea of \u200b\u200ban alternative to oil, which was more within our reach. From the top of our teledemocracy observe and judge the world, unaware of being in the. Peace for all!


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