Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Virtuarcheologia - Virtuarqueologia

L ' art and archeology, the search for past and remnants of ancient civilizations are always the main concern of Professor Kennedy and argument to which he devoted his whole life. One day by chance the Australian archaeologist finds himself navigating on Google Earth and a bit 'to curiosità, un po 'per gioco, generates Virtualia immagini della Terra e Scatti using photo satellitari aerei. In questo il professore has individuated mode probability 1,977 siti archeologici , nel deserto dell ' Saudi Arabia .

Art and Archaeology, past research and the remains of ancient civilizations have always been the main interest of Professor Kennedy and this dedicated his life. One day by chance the Australian archaeologist in google earth and between play and curiosity generated virtual images of the Earth using aerial photos and satelitares. Thus consiguiò encontrar el professor probables Sitios arqueologicos 1977, en ell desierto de Saudi Arabia.

a news seems incredible, but it reflects clearly the most absurd thing is that the makers of satellite and aerial photos every day, has never seen anything. Only two thousand sites in Saudi Arabia are so many, yet no one had seen anything before this Australian professor! Since this technique works, and probably others will put in virtual research from home and certainly we will see some good. Earth's history is long and the little that we are taught in schools is full of imprecisioni, così che sarà più qualsiasi informazione in Benvenuto! Pace a tutti!

news seems incredible, but think about it what is more absurd is that whoever makes the satellite and airplane photos every day, has not been realized nothing. Two thousand sites in Saudi Arabia alone are many, but nobody saw anything before the Australian professor! Since this technique works, you probably others in the search metaeran virtual snugly from their home and things will surely pass. The Earth's history is very long and what we teach in schools is full of inaccuracies, so qualcuier more information would be appreciated! Peace for all!


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