Thursday, March 17, 2011

Peri Du Platapus Igre


diciotto Non accadeva da anni: sabato 19 March, satellite apparire il nostro più ai nostri occhi big alone, 14% per l'esattezza. If Quello che è chiamato verificherà "perigee of the moon": the Moon, che sarà piena, if troubadour Infatti alla distanza minima with Terra, a chilometri circa 356,577.

time since last eighteen years: Saturday March 19, nuetra satellite will appear larger than normal, by 14%. Will be time for so-called "lunar perigee." The Moon, which will be filled, is in fact the minimum distance from Earth, about 356,577 km.

Since over most of Europe will be the blue sky, I recommend to all on a Saturday night alternative. Get away from the city, turn off the lights and enjoy this wonderful show. The Moon is the star closest to Earth and influence our lives every day ... and nights, so it seems the least give him a greeting when it is closer to us. Peace to all!

Dado que en Europa estaran largely de los cielos despejados, aconsejo a sabado noche a todos alternative. Alejaos de las ciudades, las luces y apagad gozad de this meravilloso show. The Moon is the nearest star to Earth and influence our lives every day ... and nights, I think the minimum entoncez give a greeting at the time that is closer to us. Peace for all!


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