Thursday, March 3, 2011

Where Buy Good Bong In Europe

Modern Writers - Escritores Modernos

When Gospels say that it was the''Jews''to accuse Jesus' condemnation and chidere to death, this does not mean that it is''all the people of Israel .'' The pope says Benedict XVI in his latest book.

If anyone has the patience to explain to Pope Benedict XVI that Jesus was jew and non-Christian, and the fact that you can not blame an entire population for the mistakes of a few, would do a favor to humanity intera.E 'like saying all Italians are mobsters or other generalizations of c *** o! Not to mention that the people of two thousand years ago are not the same today, but it would be asking too much for someone so anziana.Il mere fact that we should write a book to distinguish between good and bad for Jews Duemila anni fa, ci fa Capire l 'arretratezza mentale e culturale di persone Certe! Pace a tutti!

If someone tubiera the patience to explain to Benedict XVI that Jesus was Jewish and not Christian, plus the fact that you can not accuse an entire people for the mistakes of a few, would make Umana a favor to the whole. It's like saying all Italians are mobsters or other generalizations of m **** to! Not to mention that those two thousand years ago are not the same today, but it would be too much to ask an older person. The simple fact that you have to write a book to distinguish the poor Jews of the Jews good for two thousand years ago, we comprehending mental hare el atras y cultural de ciertas personas! Paz para todos!


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