Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Best Funny Spanish Phrases

ambassador takes no effort! - Embajador no llevar Penas!

The website, , reports that the ambassadors of almost all the 260 U.S. embassies, and consulates in over 180 countries are expected to convened at the Department of State Annunciata come quella che come questo di Riunione bonus guy. " L ', riporto: "il Segretaria di Stato sta Hillary Rodham Clinton calling for a Riunione degli Ambasciatori senza precedenti degli Stati Uniti."

web site,, writes that "the ambassadors of almost all the 260 U.S. embassies and consulates in over 180 countries are invited to the State Deparatamento for which bills itself as the first reunion of this kind. " the, writes: "The state Secertario Hillary Rodham Clinton is calling for an unprecedented reunion of the U.S. ambassadors."

mezzo mondo si ribella Mentre questi recall the ambasciatori.Non we are allowed to know the reasons for this global superiunione made in America, never happened before. The only sure thing is that this news did not affect in any newspaper. It is something in some Latin American newspapers, but otherwise dark! The U.S., like all empires, they arrived at a decadent and, unfortunately, is the time where mad-heads of damage! Peace to all!

Mientras average if mundo Rebel, juntan estos los Embajadores. No nos esta saber las razones de esta concedido global supereunion made in America, Jamas sucedida. The only seguro que esta noticia no es ningun has interesado diary. If encuntra algo en algunos periodicos Latin America, however, para los de mas total oscuridad! Como todos los Los EUU emperios, han llegado en su decadent phase y es el moment whence jefecillos if vuelven los locos! Paz para todos!


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