Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Install Landscape Timbers

A real people! - A pueblo de verdad!

"Italy is a country left and ridiculous" . In September 1975, when the sociologists considered the political laboratory of Europe and the progressive forces, including those in Spain, saw its civil society as a role model, Pier Paolo Pasolini wrote these words. "His comic masks are powerful, slightly stained with blood. But the Italian citizens are no different. " Pasolini, regarded by his compatriots, even in some environments left a nasty intellectual pessimism because of the lean of his views, pointed out two culprits: the school and television, broadcast complicit in having an ideology of hedonism devoid of human values \u200b\u200band humanistic. 35 years later, Berlusconi embodies Pasolini's vision of reality with such skill, as if he were playing the main role in the posthumous artist. The dyed hair and face covered with makeup, her desperate flaunting youth seducer senile flying every day his record of indecency without many of his fellow citizens find reason to stop celebrating her antics.

"Italy es un país y Siniestro Ridicule" . In September 1975, when sociologists considered him the political laboratory of Europe and the progressive forces watched, also from Spain, in civil society as the role model, Pier Paolo Pasolini wrote these words. "His men of power are vaguely comic masks soaked in blood. But Italians do not lag behind." Pasolini, considered among his countrymen, even in some circles on the left, as an intellectual by the stark pessimism unpleasant for their views, identified two culprits, school and television, complicit in the transfer of an ideology of hedonism devoid of human values and humanists. 35 years later, Berlusconi pasoliniana embodies the vision of reality with such mastery as if playing the lead role in the posthumous work of the artist. The hair dye and face makeup slurred, his desperate young seducer boasts senile daily beat his own mark of indignity, without many of their fellow citizens find reason to stop celebrating her antics.

the veritas' a volte fa male, ma will accettata! TV Scuola e l'hanno sicuramente sviluppato apathy degli italiani, oltre ad an insistent political despotism della classe, che non vede nella paese politics to a servizio, ma only a maintenance dei soldi e potere, alla Insegna people's philosophy of "more 'smart' and not the more 'civilized. So while the Arab world screams democracy, the small universe Italian silent and agree to head down the tyranny of the dictator and his collaborators on the right and left. How much can 'last for? Read Italian newspapers always seem to end everything from one day alla'altro, but reading people's faces it seems that the wait will be' still long! Peace to all!

La verdad a veces Duel, but hay que acept! Tele Escuela y segura de han desarrollado apathy Además de los Italianos an insistent political despotism de la clase, que no ve en servicio a policy in pais, but mas bien a mantenimiento money and power, teaching people the philosophy of "more smart ass" instead of the "more civil." So while the Arab world democracy cries, the little Italian silent universe and lets head down the harassment of the dictator and his collaborators from right and left. As may 'take all this? Reading the Italian newspapers that everything always seems to end the day at night, but reading the faces of people going forward seems to be still very long! Peace for all!


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