Friday, November 14, 2008

Is There Anything Comparable To Revlon Skinlights


If you decide to put together a group, I would choose:

Drums: John Bonham, of course, for obvious reasons (

Bass: Jeff Pezzati (of which I really do not know the name if I did not check it ten seconds ago on Wikipedia) is the bassist of Big Black and the bass has a sound and nothing bad hot wooow;

Guitars: Syd Barrett and Thurston Moore, because I think it would be very nice, and because experience is beautiful and because I want a team leader without guitarist too;

Singer: Iggy Pop, because you have to roll over and say obscenities.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Old Indian Woman Boobs

Bari port east, notes for a review (1) - Luca Basso

Paragraph 1: For an archeology

is difficult to explain precisely so that 'was the trip to Bari to Isolario.
In many phone calls before the Biennale di Bari, Donatello had tried to explain the project, but with little luck, everything seemed very hazy, vague, very often, the calls ended, I was left with the feeling that Francesca Donatello and the first not to know where it is going.
And even after the beginning of their exploration Bari continued to find the mysterious motives of their operation. I remember once, at the port, which Donatello himself wondering how to specify the nature of the project: "No, maybe not a workshop (which horrible word!), maybe it's quite a happening ... "
short, even when we parted at the end of the Biennale, the mystery was thick and the question" What Isolario? "still had no answer.
Only a few days ago, thinking about what I said during the presentation in Milan of the project, I've come up with the answer: In those days, Frank Bari, and Donatello made an excavation. They were human archeology, archeology or better feelings.
The most important part of their work and their field research, in fact, has been that sentimental, built searching into the hearts of the people I met.
Archaeology of feelings: to go places, meet the faces and voices, asking strangers what they had to show more intimate.
This was the work of these wretches: to return lost feelings from the past, seek them out, dust them, collect them and present them. With indecent assault. Is not that what archaeologists do?
Their goal was reached when the respondent spoke a sentence like: "... and that I never, never tell anyone ..." "That's not I'll never forget," "me that I almost forgot" I was sure that sooner or later someone would ask me these things ...
Accompanying them in their explorations I've seen some amazing things: I knew the heroism and pride of the professional drivers of buses, I heard the story of a man who died of a broken heart, I saw an experienced musician and prim as excited as a kid as he spoke of his passion for the old AM radio, I imagined the work of men living in far away places every day launch sounds in places unknown.
I imagined a message, news, music, travel transported by the sunlight, become birds over the sea, and eventually return message, news, song for thousands of miles away there is someone who collects them with patience. How do you explain
all this? The most important thing of this work has not impressed any film, and did not stop on any pixel, the most important thing is completely invisible, intangible, intangible, inaudible except with a sixth sense.
Which can be a treasure chest of old transistor radio, we who spend their days in front of the computer not even imagine, and the journey is more fruitful when parties without an idea to pack too light.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Can You Get A Drivers License If You Are Autistic

factory steam (Milano) 23:10

12 nautical miles isolario / / bari laboratory door on the east

Thursday, October 23
factory steam, via Procaccini 4 hours 19 milano

project presentation and panel discussion with:

donatello and Francesca De Mattia cognitive / 12 nautical miles isolario
luca low / arch puglia
claudia zanfi / aMAZElab
paul pink / blue
study maddalena Bregani, John the Navarre / multiplicity
pierfabrizio paradise
sonja link / Love Difference

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Eterna Watches Vintage

nina nana or more bir

nina nana or more bir: a video pierfabrizio paradise, shot during the workshop bari

Play Cabal Ph With Proxy

foundation of the Armenian village of Nor Arax and establishment of the Italian-Armenian oriental rugs

we were not able to go to Nor Arax, to make the match.
we would have liked, the Poor Clare nuns who inhabit the central building of the village, when we asked if we would have hosted in their garden for the meeting they said "sure! the sky belongs to everyone, and Terrra is all."
but in the end we decided to stay in the Levant Fair, not to be too intrusive.
Nor Arax is an Armenian village in Via Amendola, where hundreds of Armenians found refuge since 1926, when the souls and Nazariantz proposed to accommodate the refugees of the genocide, tentatively in Thessaloniki.
the village still exists, and is inhabited by several families, descendants of those early guests.
the carpet factory was built, brought to the knowledge bari Middle East to weave carpets and redefine it, making each node in the texture memory of a rootless and wounded.
the carpet becomes a shared object and symbolic, aesthetic device of a collective memory that takes shape nelll'intreccio of its nodes.
carlo coppola, refined intellectual Bari, introduced the issue of historical Nor Arax, opening up some deep thoughts and then in comparison with Rupena dario timurian (Armenian descendants of those early guests of the village) and to Louis-Antoine, President of the Puglia- armenia.

to study the history of the Nor Arax is well documented site of the soul

Stomach Ache And Bleeding When Not On Period


The navigation is a navigation method based on the propagation of electromagnetic waves, radio waves,
to navigation needed:
a system of radio beacons, ie, sources of sound waves which are known positions
a finder, a radio receiver that allows
consistently get the direction from which the radio waves emitted by the beacon towards which
, with all the moving vehicle, you should direct

the bands used for radio navigation are Long and medium waves
ie every radio station that broadcasts on these bands is a potential beacon;
so every household radio becomes a potential finder, a navigation tool, to steer in the direction that we have the maximum intensity of the signal from a radio station located in a particular location.

************************************************ *************************************************

Tune in a radio medium-wave frequency
on a particular station,
guide the radio,
by rotating it, until you hear the
maximum signal strength and leave,
in that direction, always
to the maximum signal: this is

where the radio is a
finder and a radio beacon transmitting station

****** ************************************************** ************************************
tune the radio on medium wave in the daytime you can listen
a continuous rustling
interrupted only by a few signals of broadcasters particularly close or strong as
If you surf in a sea at high tide only emerge
seeing the rocks larger

But at sunset the tide starts to drop
the sea of \u200b\u200bnoise retires
other emerging scolgi first submerged

sundown favors the formation at high altitude, with a reflective layer in the atmosphere
radio waves
Now, radio signals of different origins overlap
interweaving music, sounds and speeches in various languages \u200b\u200b

As long as the sun rising at dawn
destroys the reflective layer
the tide rises again
signals vanishing dissolve
on medium wave
Back to prevail a noisy silence

(Antongiulio Galeandro)

Merilyn Sakova Barefoot

radiogeografia Mediterranean Mediterranean

we returned to port, this time to listen.
bari, the center of an azimuthal map, is the center of the world.
from this unusual perspective we get in touch with the world.
with a shortwave radio, it sounds Antongiulio Galeandro the Mediterranean, telling a radiogeografia combining puglia, Syria, Greece (to China) ...
talk about waves, how to propagate the sound, and radio repeaters.
Antongiulio drawing on paper, and then tune the radio, the voices gradually become sounds, then sounds.
rediscover the magic of the catchment sound, the ability of an antenna to find the exact location as the crow flies from its source.
Antongiulio the carpet of sound that manages to create is incredible and the terrace of the cruise terminal, the same one two days ago we believed the sight of Vlora, is suffused with soft sounds, coming from a distance, blended them by the breath of the accordion expands and makes them bounce.
the radio plays, and Antongiulio meet with his keyboard. or maybe it Antongiulio who calls and responds to the radio, but no, this is not possible. everything is confused, the concert is hypnotic, magical in the sunset over the harbor.
light falls slowly as we get closer to distant shores, in unknown languages.

Easy Way To Shrink An Acryllic Cardigan

turin - Bari - Tirana / ilmotorediricerca

albania 1 and 1000 is a project carried out in turin geodesign (organized by the magazine live) Albanian cultural association with the group mergimtari motorediricerca. this is a workshop and a magazine, which correlates with the turin bari albania through, given the motorediricerca starting from Puglia. you create a triangle of cooperation and mutual listening, to create a memory map and locations related to the Albanian community in turin and in Italy in general.
project is a network that connects reality collecting scattered memories, tracks, evidence for them condividere.
ilmotorediricerca ha raccontato il progetto e la rivista, e ha creato un ponte virtuale che ha avvicinato bari e l'albania, collegandosi via skype con roberto e illir butka (direttore del tirana film festival) da tirana.

The Diagram Of The Bugatti

the flag of bari

scrive predrag matvejevic che i punti cardinali sono sempre stati associati a dei colori. così, come il mediterraneo dagli arabi era chiamato il "mare bianco" perchè si trovava a ovest, viceversa il colore dell'est per chi guardava da ovest era considerato il rosso.
la bandiera di bari è, per l'appunto, bianca e rossa.
donatello during the workshop is taking notes for an imaginary origin of the flag of Bari, door to the east, a meeting point between east and west.

Pain In Parotid Gland Alcohol

founding of the state of Olea Mediterranean oleaster

we pretend to establish a new state: it is the state that has as its boundaries those distribution area of \u200b\u200bthe olive.
the olive tree defines the Mediterranean Sea, the Mediterranean where there is the olive.

Luigi Guarrera, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, tells us about the trans-Mediterranean project of sustainable agriculture.
the olive tree is the center of some projects that use concepts such as sustainability and biodiversity in order to grow the local identities in the name of diversity, with a view to exchanging knowledge.
the path of agricultural park of olive trees for example is a project in this respect: they are being built, two paths that are reflected in the Mediterranean, one in high salento, the other Idleb in Syria.
the olive oil and become the core of a speech that includes nature, archeology, art, history and traditions.
louis guides us between European projects, programs, leaders in the Mediterranean, telling bari as a node of a Mediterranean network and leading very active on key issues such as biological.
you draw a different atlas, made up of projects for cooperation between Italy, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Malta, Albania ... where each provides the other age-old farming techniques to find a common way, sustainable, to go.

we started thinking about the seeds that pass through the Mediterranean, be transported by the poetic and symbolic value of this migration.
what we found was an active awareness of the value of agriculture, and the close relationship between nature and culture, between culture and respect, progress and identity.
globalization, with its double face of the possibility of sharing (pooling) and loss of his own origins is a very strong response in the concept of biodiversity.
and speaking with doctors and Calabrian Donghia the MAIB (whom we thank so much) in a May afternoon, we realized how agriculture can not be detached from its political value, when the first 'cultural expropriation' of a colonizer to the colonized country passing through the 'ownership of its plants.

ps: speaking of the Mediterranean, Luigi also tells us of an article published yesterday in Corriere della Sera, piero clear sull'attraversmento the Corinth Canal: maggio/27/finto_zoppo_beffo_tedeschi_co_9_080527050.shtml

Brief Message On Wedding Label

Durres-Bari / logbook of the ship

retrace the route with a bus port AMTAB-stage victory.
23,000 people for that short stretch was the first to look west.
parade through the windows they saw their dream of freedom, dreamed of Italy, the gateway to a new life.
the buildings of the waterfront represented in that brief moment something unimaginable, billboards became the symbol of something for us to understand.

Deed Of Absolute Sale And Deed Of Sale

Vlora Durres-Bari / logbook of the ship

port of Bari to the four we are at the cruise terminal from the terrace to watch the same horizon, in 1991, outlined the shape the first major refugee ship that arrived in Italy, the Vlora. started from Durres, Vlora reached the cheaters on August 8, 1991.
23,000 Albanians streamed on the pier. institutions of the city of Bari, caught unprepared, they used buses to transport dell'amtab in an endless column of means, the refugees in the stadium of victory, not far from the port.
the situation inside the stadium rushed immediately.
entries overlap, what happened inside the stadium is a short story by the bright colors and violent, which suggests the novel Saramago's blindness.
while hundreds of exhausted men and women are descended from the stands, or did you help at the gates of the stadium by ambulance, the perception of what happened inside was partial, confused.
around the stadium was quickly create a new cord, content from the police manning the square: they were the ones who had managed to escape from what was reported as hell.
over the police, was the city of Bari.
left alone by the government to deal with the emergency, the Bari spontaneously organize a collection of clothes, food, basic necessities, in a formidable chain humanitarian.
most of the Albanian refugees were subsequently repatriated aboard a military C-130 aircraft.

Min Pin Blood In Stool

Vlora, Durres-Bari / logbook of the ship Vlora

Angelo Amoroso d'Aragona tells us about his documentary about the arrival of the ship Vlora, and the workshop becomes a pretext to continue its research.
entiamo For a few hours and go out from the movie: the reality of the port is home to the stories and actions of the workshop, which in turn is contained in the film, making everything in a few moments in a film set.
angel shows us parts of his footage (also available on youtube), and interview the engineer. Vico (director of the movement dell'amtab, Bari public transportation company) and an inspector of the border police who took part in the operation.
next to images from the rays and those turn into an angel, we hear these stories in person, and those voices are emerging difficulties, responsibilities, contradictions.
and beside dotted images, faces, episode, portraits.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Levaquin For Swollen Gums


(They are called "Bastard Fairies" and I have yet to figure out if I like it or not, but it seems that everything turns them around, besides music, is moving ).

All you Mormons who like cussing,

you are going to hell

All you preachers who like fucking,

you are going to hell Little boys

That choke the chicken,

you are going to hell

It's the nature of evolution, the dinosaurs

went to hell

Hell hell hell it’s a wonderful place

It’s a place of fire and brimstone

All you Christian politicians,

you are going to hell

Magic Jesus apparitions

send you to hell

Buddhist monks without god

you are going to hell

Those of you dissecting frogs,

you are going to hell

Hell hell hell it's a wonderful place

It's a place of fire and brimstone

I need a beer

-Can opening-

Ha-ha that was pretty good

Ahh. Okay

All you Catholics wearing condoms,

you are going to hell

All us fatties eating bonbons,

we are going to hell

Unbaptized babies learn to limbo,

purgatory is hell

And your religion is a gamble

and you are going to hell

Hell hell hell is a wonderful place

It's a place of fire and brimstone

Check this shit out

It’s gunna change your life

There once was a man who thought that if he ate all the pages in the bible he could kill most anything

In 1913 he died of a stroke when he tried to eat the book of kings

Eat the book of kings

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Transfer Orange Voicemail To Computer

Wallace says

"One of the most dangerous myth is the argument that someone about to commit suicide becomes more positive and generous and selfless. The truth is that the hours before a suicide made an enormous conceit and egotism. "

Friday, May 23, 2008

Adventure Island Rohini-latest Ticket Prices

program of the workshop (28-30 May) to the east door

12 nautical miles Isolario / / puglia bari
workshop program:

May 28, at 11, Fiera del Levante, space Arci, pad.150

Address by dr. Luigi Guarrera Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (IAMB), which deals with projects in the agriculture sector in the Mediterranean basin. In this intervention, the Mediterranean area is reconfigured as a distribution area for development and growth of the olive tree, highlighting the cultural decline of the cultivation and uses of its product in a conceptual framework that considers the Mediterranean within the sustainable relationship between local and global levels.

May 28, at 16, Port of Bari (Cruise Terminal)> bus transfer AMTAB> Stadio della Vittoria

Durres-Bari: DIARY shipboard VLORE
In the hot summer of 1991, the ship from Vlora, Durres ( Albania) arrives out of control at the port of Bari on the pier and pours thousands of citizens displaced Albanians, who are taken with a column of means of municipal urban transport escorted by the army in the old Victory Stadium, at the time of use. This matter will be revisited by the director Angelo Amoroso d'Aragona, engaged in the production of a documentary on the affair, which will guide participants through the movement of the vessel from the jetty stadium, calling witnesses to recount their memories and projecting parts of the his film in progress.

May 28, at 20: 30, Fiera del Levante, space Arci, pad.150

TORINO - BARI - TIRANA Albania 1e1000
project presentation meeting with the group ilmotorediricerca: Matthew Brotherly Love, Pia Livia of late, Michael Loiacono , Roberto Dell'Orco, Valentina Vetturi, Nico Angiuli, Riccardo Albani

May 29, at 16, Fiera del Levante, space Arci, pad.150

Rupena, Diran and Dario Timurian, together with dr. Luigi Antonio Puglia-Up Committee of Armenians, recalling the story of the founding of the Armenian village of Nor Arax, in Amendola in Bari in 1926, thanks to the Armenian intellectual Nazariantz and soul, the village was established in Bari Arax Armenian Nor was planted and a production of carpets by the Society of Italian-Armenian oriental rugs which employed several hundred of Armenian refugees from extermination and accepted in Puglia. As a result, production was joined by the establishment of two schools of design and manufacture of carpets, one in Puglia and Calabria in the other.

May 30, 19.30, Port of Bari (Cruise Terminal, 2nd floor, patio)

Antongiulio Galeandro, musician and composer in Puglia, has worked for years to research on the interaction between sound and radio reception live music. Looking at the horizon, Antongiulio Galeandro prepare a sound path consists of the radio waves coming from the south-east of the Mediterranean basin (ie from the neighboring regions of Albania, Montenegro, Croatia and Greece). Placing some medium-wave radio, will create a carpet of sound over which intervene overseas by playing the accordion, expanding, improvising and reacting to the signals picked up and sound suggestions.

October 2008, Milan, Steam Factory

The results of this workshop will be presented in Milan at a meeting sponsored by the Steam Factory City of Milan, which will become an opportunity for expanded discussion and debate on the issues raised

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why Is My Kittens Belly Saggy

Isolario 12 nautical miles is a traveling art research that wants to produce a cross-reflection on the Mediterranean, starting from the boundaries of territorial waters and liquids.
For the XIII Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean (Bari, 22 to 31 May 2008), 12 nautical miles Isolario proposes BARI workshop LABORATORY LEADS TO THE EAST, that evokes the sense of Puglia and Bari as a hinge of the Mediterranean as gateway to the East, the crossroads of encounter of peoples and cultures.
This workshop starts from a few case studies, stories or suggestions by some who find their epicenter in Bari
intersecting the search for artists, scientists and intellectuals who have long been investigating the link between Puglia and the Mediterranean, the laboratory BARI DOOR A LEVANTE try to uncover the hidden memory and identity of some of these places in the city, listening to the voice of Acuna direct and indirect witnesses of the events recounted.
Meetings will be held in Bari in those places affected by the events studied, and space Arci the Fiera del Levante (Hall 150).
In addition to scheduled appointments for the entire duration of the Biennale space Arci host the project's operational headquarters, where the materials will be collected gradually produced and will host informal discussions on the issues raised, responses from other artists or groups involved, and revisions project proposals of the workshop participants.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Slogans For Healthy Foods

The thinghood things

complete with sprawling tentacles that addresses the class

a lesson on how everything we do end up

be bored and like all things
trapped in their pasty thinghood
always able to present dressed the same.

While the girl in the glass beaker in his hand that

can lay on the ground due to a distraction adolescent
of which is not distracted stepmother became aware

sleeps on his leadership
androids who want to enter the world of work,

poised between the

thinghood pasty but
of time before you wake up and the only slightly later

- while a buzz discontinuous graphite
-inspired melodies indistinct

Meanwhile, the professor recalls his eloquent eyes octopus

a boy huddled in the warmth of
His hands clasped
hot hot hot

hot hot hot


The girl with the glass of glass has a heavy breathing

not perfectly in time with the buzz of the graphite-

thinghood of things is going to eat them-

In the back of the media there is a blackboard model
that self-filling
metabolizing the thoughts of these guys
written on her belly and representing them
And how bad discover that

-perhaps because of the things thinghood-

there are only stories in hiding ill embraces.

pose a tentacle pink jelly
on the girl's head with a glass beaker


glass must always keep in hand
because of the spell.

The girl jumps

dazed whispers apologies seraphic smiles

until the glass is not falling and the buzz is crystal clear and

invades the nightmares of a professor who claimed

to explain the

thinghood of things.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Fantage Virtual World Where You Can...

Murder She Said

I have a bunch of people playing badly enough you will find everything around the case in a soundproofed garage, where the sounds bounce off each other and spread across the distant Garageland, annoying not just the young men who live there.

I think we call ourselves "Murder She Said", then that is the equivalent of the original "Murder, She Wrote." But earlier we had opted for "Cinemagoers," because even if we do not go to the movies, we watch many movies. Or for "Chubby Cheeks" with doppiosenso built. But perhaps my favorite remains "Ken Was my toy-boy. "Vote.

I do not know what kind of music we do, but when we play are even more convinced of what I've always feared: if you put the tools in hand to people that can not play, comes out something like a punk-rock. That is no small thing, in fact! For the rest, Della (drummer) is a former metalhead, Sara (singer) is many things including a new- waver, Jade (guitar) listens basically blues, Paola (choirs and various possible), besides being the highest after Della, is also quite indie-chic, and I (bass) are also mixed, but I think you notice a lot remnant grungettosi adolescence. This is very funny and lighthearted.
The photos do not do justice to Della, oops ... I do not even hers. It just means that I will dedicate an entire post.