Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why Is My Kittens Belly Saggy

Isolario 12 nautical miles is a traveling art research that wants to produce a cross-reflection on the Mediterranean, starting from the boundaries of territorial waters and liquids.
For the XIII Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean (Bari, 22 to 31 May 2008), 12 nautical miles Isolario proposes BARI workshop LABORATORY LEADS TO THE EAST, that evokes the sense of Puglia and Bari as a hinge of the Mediterranean as gateway to the East, the crossroads of encounter of peoples and cultures.
This workshop starts from a few case studies, stories or suggestions by some who find their epicenter in Bari
intersecting the search for artists, scientists and intellectuals who have long been investigating the link between Puglia and the Mediterranean, the laboratory BARI DOOR A LEVANTE try to uncover the hidden memory and identity of some of these places in the city, listening to the voice of Acuna direct and indirect witnesses of the events recounted.
Meetings will be held in Bari in those places affected by the events studied, and space Arci the Fiera del Levante (Hall 150).
In addition to scheduled appointments for the entire duration of the Biennale space Arci host the project's operational headquarters, where the materials will be collected gradually produced and will host informal discussions on the issues raised, responses from other artists or groups involved, and revisions project proposals of the workshop participants.


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