Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Deed Of Absolute Sale And Deed Of Sale

Vlora Durres-Bari / logbook of the ship

port of Bari to the four we are at the cruise terminal from the terrace to watch the same horizon, in 1991, outlined the shape the first major refugee ship that arrived in Italy, the Vlora. started from Durres, Vlora reached the cheaters on August 8, 1991.
23,000 Albanians streamed on the pier. institutions of the city of Bari, caught unprepared, they used buses to transport dell'amtab in an endless column of means, the refugees in the stadium of victory, not far from the port.
the situation inside the stadium rushed immediately.
entries overlap, what happened inside the stadium is a short story by the bright colors and violent, which suggests the novel Saramago's blindness.
while hundreds of exhausted men and women are descended from the stands, or did you help at the gates of the stadium by ambulance, the perception of what happened inside was partial, confused.
around the stadium was quickly create a new cord, content from the police manning the square: they were the ones who had managed to escape from what was reported as hell.
over the police, was the city of Bari.
left alone by the government to deal with the emergency, the Bari spontaneously organize a collection of clothes, food, basic necessities, in a formidable chain humanitarian.
most of the Albanian refugees were subsequently repatriated aboard a military C-130 aircraft.


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