Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stomach Ache And Bleeding When Not On Period


The navigation is a navigation method based on the propagation of electromagnetic waves, radio waves,
to navigation needed:
a system of radio beacons, ie, sources of sound waves which are known positions
a finder, a radio receiver that allows
consistently get the direction from which the radio waves emitted by the beacon towards which
, with all the moving vehicle, you should direct

the bands used for radio navigation are Long and medium waves
ie every radio station that broadcasts on these bands is a potential beacon;
so every household radio becomes a potential finder, a navigation tool, to steer in the direction that we have the maximum intensity of the signal from a radio station located in a particular location.

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Tune in a radio medium-wave frequency
on a particular station,
guide the radio,
by rotating it, until you hear the
maximum signal strength and leave,
in that direction, always
to the maximum signal: this is

where the radio is a
finder and a radio beacon transmitting station

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tune the radio on medium wave in the daytime you can listen
a continuous rustling
interrupted only by a few signals of broadcasters particularly close or strong as
If you surf in a sea at high tide only emerge
seeing the rocks larger

But at sunset the tide starts to drop
the sea of \u200b\u200bnoise retires
other emerging scolgi first submerged

sundown favors the formation at high altitude, with a reflective layer in the atmosphere
radio waves
Now, radio signals of different origins overlap
interweaving music, sounds and speeches in various languages \u200b\u200b

As long as the sun rising at dawn
destroys the reflective layer
the tide rises again
signals vanishing dissolve
on medium wave
Back to prevail a noisy silence

(Antongiulio Galeandro)


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