Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Easy Way To Shrink An Acryllic Cardigan

turin - Bari - Tirana / ilmotorediricerca

albania 1 and 1000 is a project carried out in turin geodesign (organized by the magazine live) Albanian cultural association with the group mergimtari motorediricerca. this is a workshop and a magazine, which correlates with the turin bari albania through, given the motorediricerca starting from Puglia. you create a triangle of cooperation and mutual listening, to create a memory map and locations related to the Albanian community in turin and in Italy in general.
project is a network that connects reality collecting scattered memories, tracks, evidence for them condividere.
ilmotorediricerca ha raccontato il progetto e la rivista, e ha creato un ponte virtuale che ha avvicinato bari e l'albania, collegandosi via skype con roberto e illir butka (direttore del tirana film festival) da tirana.


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