Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pain In Parotid Gland Alcohol

founding of the state of Olea Mediterranean oleaster

we pretend to establish a new state: it is the state that has as its boundaries those distribution area of \u200b\u200bthe olive.
the olive tree defines the Mediterranean Sea, the Mediterranean where there is the olive.

Luigi Guarrera, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, tells us about the trans-Mediterranean project of sustainable agriculture.
the olive tree is the center of some projects that use concepts such as sustainability and biodiversity in order to grow the local identities in the name of diversity, with a view to exchanging knowledge.
the path of agricultural park of olive trees for example is a project in this respect: they are being built, two paths that are reflected in the Mediterranean, one in high salento, the other Idleb in Syria.
the olive oil and become the core of a speech that includes nature, archeology, art, history and traditions.
louis guides us between European projects, programs, leaders in the Mediterranean, telling bari as a node of a Mediterranean network and leading very active on key issues such as biological.
you draw a different atlas, made up of projects for cooperation between Italy, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Malta, Albania ... where each provides the other age-old farming techniques to find a common way, sustainable, to go.

we started thinking about the seeds that pass through the Mediterranean, be transported by the poetic and symbolic value of this migration.
what we found was an active awareness of the value of agriculture, and the close relationship between nature and culture, between culture and respect, progress and identity.
globalization, with its double face of the possibility of sharing (pooling) and loss of his own origins is a very strong response in the concept of biodiversity.
and speaking with doctors and Calabrian Donghia the MAIB (whom we thank so much) in a May afternoon, we realized how agriculture can not be detached from its political value, when the first 'cultural expropriation' of a colonizer to the colonized country passing through the 'ownership of its plants.

ps: speaking of the Mediterranean, Luigi also tells us of an article published yesterday in Corriere della Sera, piero clear sull'attraversmento the Corinth Canal: maggio/27/finto_zoppo_beffo_tedeschi_co_9_080527050.shtml


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