Saturday, January 22, 2011

Disadvantages Of Rdbms

Bright idea? Avanti Tutta

The world eco-friendly lighting while you save on fuel consumption, the other raises the question of disposal, as the green lamp containing small amounts of toxic materials like mercury. In fact, with these new bulbs will limit the input of carbon dioxide but by an environmental point of view of their financial sustainability is not so favorable, because it takes material to produce more pollutants, mercury from fluorescent powders. Given that contain mercury and other heavy metals, fluorescent lamps must be collected and treated in special facilities. When you run out are considered hazardous waste . Not only that. The British Agency for Health Protection (HPA, Health Protection Agency) states that fluorescent bulbs emit ultraviolet radiation at exposure levels higher than allowed. -Of course-the danger increases if the exposure is direct and prolonged.

El mundo de la iluminación respetuosa of the environment, you por un lado el ahorro de los allows consumos, por otro lado el problem arises de The CONTAMINATION, dice que las contienen pequeñas green lamp amounts of toxic materials as mercury. In fact, with these new bulbs come down CO2 emissions but from an environmental point of view change is not as favorable, because materials used to produce more pollutants, dust from blooming until the mercury. because they contain mercury and other heavy metals, fluorescent light bulbs must be collected and processed in a secure manner. When they finish their lives are considered hazardous waste. And more. The British agency for health protection, said that fluorescent bulbs can emit UV radiation exposure levels greater than spoiled. The danger goes up, obviously if the exposure is direct and always extend in time.

I spoke some time ago and now approaching the time to change all the bulbs begin to arise doubts about the real need for this small but significant change overall. It 's strange how, after many years of pollution and poisoning, instead of thinking to produce less and therefore less contaminated, someone has got the idea to change the light bulbs. Fantastic! After the bulbs will turn to some other object and so on. 'S so hard to stop and think? Peace to all!

long ago I spoke of the issue and now it is about time to change all the bulbs begin to cast doubt on the real need for this small but significant global change . It is strange how, after so many years of pollution and poisoning, instead of thinking and thus produce less polluting less, someone hose the bright idea of \u200b\u200bchanging light bulbs. Congratulations! After the bulbs will be in turn to other things and so we continue. It's so hard pararce a thought? Peace for all!


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