Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cervix Gets Soft Before Ovu

! - Go ahead! Fratelli

December 4 Thousands of marine fish (PERU ') , December 11 Thousands of marine fish (PUERTO RICO), December 13 Hundreds of freshwater fish (AUSTRALIA), 13 dicembre10 tonnes of dead fish on the shore of Kawau Island (New Zealand), December 15 Thousands of fish dead on the coasts of Florida (USA), December 15 Hundreds of mullet in Sicily (ITALY), December 15 tonnes of marine fish (PERU), December 16 Thousands of marine fish ( MEXICO), December 16 Many freshwater fish (France), December 17 Hundreds of freshwater fish in Michigan (USA), December 17 Thousands of freshwater fish (ARGENTINA), December 18 Hundreds of fish d ' water dolce (SPAGNA), etc ...

December 4 Miles of marine fish ( PERU) , December 11 Thousands of marine fish ( PUERTO RICO) , December 13, hundreds of fish freshwater ( AUSTRALIA) , 13 dicembre10 tons of dead fish in the edge of Kawau Island ( NEW ZEALAND ) , December 15 Miles of dead fish on the shores of Florida (USA ) , December 15, hundreds of mullet in Sicily ( Italy ) , December 15 tonnes of marine fish ( PERU) , December 16 Miles of marine fish ( MEXICO ) , December 16 Many freshwater fish ( France ) , 17 December, hundreds of fish of freshwater in Michigan ( USA) , December 17 Miles of fish freshwater ( ARGENTINA ) , December 18, hundreds of fish freshwater ( SPAIN) etc ...

The list is long and the space devoted to this news is very short. Why? Fish and birds die worldwide in a short time and everything is still on TV! Big Brother continues to feed on brains and politics continues to eat the portfolios, while each of us knows exactly what is happening, but we do not want to see the reality and continue to want to create virtual worlds. They were few people know the value of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon, the rest of humanity has become useless, even harmful to all other beings and of itself. The majority is concerned about what will happen, but do not see what is happening. Peace to all!

The list is too long and the news space devoted to these other courts. Why? Fish and birds die worldwide in a short time and everyone is silent on TV! Big Brother continues sucking brains and politics continues sucking portfolios, while each of us knows what's going on, but do not want to see reality and we querendo create virtual worlds. Have been a few who know the true value of the Earth, the Sun and Moon, what's left of humanity has become useless and harmful for all people in addition that if same. Most are concerned for what will happen, but do not want to see what is happening. Peace for all!


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