Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cockroach Feces Soft Wet

La fame di Wall Street - Wall Street's hunger

L'increased prezzi dei generi alimentari dei , che has scatenato sanguinose Rivolte popolari in Tunisia and Algeria, è da provocato a phenomenon or cause naturali, come per la crisi dei dimostrato prezzi, 2007 / 2008 ciniche speculazioni finanziaria da? Nell'estate 2009 il "Rapporto Levin-Coburn 'della Permanent Subcommittee investigation showed the U.S. Senate, after a year of study, that high food prices had not had anything to do with the scarcity of food supplies caused by natural factors or problems in the supply chain: the cause was sought in unscrupulous speculative financial maneuvers. A year later, in summer 2010, the prestigious U.S. magazine Harper's published a thorough investigation entitled 'The bubble Food: How Wall Street's hungry millions and he got away with' , which were described in detail the investment funds offered precisely the speculative trader at Goldman Sachs together strateghi agli Usa di multinazionali Agroalimentari eat Cargill and ConAgra: miliardi di dollari di prezzo di profitti the carestia and Rivolta.

Rising food prices , which has desencatenado Argerie revultas in Tunisia and is a phenomenon caused by natural causes or as shown by the price crisis of 2007 / 08, however cynical financial speculation? In the summer of 2009, the Levin-Coburn raport of the committee of the Senate permanent U.S. research showed, after a year of studies, that the rise in food prices is not anything to do tube with food shortages caused by natural factors and distribution problems: the cause had to be found in the financial speculative. A year later, in the summer of 2010, the prestigious U.S. magazine Harper's published a study titled "bubble feeding. As Wall Street dejò hungry to millions of people and without being incriminated," in describing in detail the funds speculative investment invented by traders from Goldman Sachs strategists together with U.S. agribusiness multinationals like Cargill and ConAgra: billions of dollars to gain the price of hunger and war.

Certe sew little gradevoli sono da leggere, ma sono importanti per Capire really i fatti ed imparare il possibile per le volte Successive, c'è anche chi is holding essere umano che è l'animale che non l'unique di propri Errori unstoppable! Pace a tutti!

Certain things are not very nice to read, but are important to really understand the facts and learn what times FOLLOWING possible for even someone says that man is the only animal that NOW Learn from your mistakes! Peace for all!


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