Thursday, January 27, 2011

Whats The Meaning Of Swollen

Cambogia 2010 - Cambodia 2010

In large ritard finally pubblicare sono riuscito a video il viaggio in Cambogia dell'estate SCORA. La canzone è the Brasiliano gruppo ed Green-go sound a splendida colonna per le immagini che paese eat only a present può Cambogia. Pace a tutti!

With long delays, it finally post the video of the trip to Cambodia last summer. The song was from the Brazilian group Green-go and is great with the images that only a country like Cambodia can give. Peace for all!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dragonball Doujin Bulma Dinosaur


attraverso testi sospesi denunce work speranza e politiche, il leader of the hip hop duo Movaizhaleine invokes a cambiamento him in a Paese dove sono presidenziali elezioni a farce institutions.

The U.S. rap has lost almost completely the reason he was born. It is rapping to denounce the life of the suburbs of the metropolis and expressed anger about the high social differences without any restraint. Then came money, success and rappers literally sold their music to fashion and the rich, to become simply an advertisement for clothes, cars and macho style of the 2000s. E 'rather surprising to note that the relationship is reborn in Africa, there are many members who shout "respect" in all possible ways. Some of them are: Black Noise, MC Lida, MC Solaar and Positive Black Soul, and of course the Movaizhaleine what advice to listen! Peace to all!

En los EEUU el rapear has perdido cases completely razon de su nacimiento. If rapeaba to terminate the life of the metropolis suburbuios and expressed strong anger at the social differences if no paranoia. Then llegaon money, success and their music literally venderon rappers to fashion and the rich, to become simply an advertisement for clothes, cars and style machismo year 2000. It is surprising to note how the rap has been reborn in Africa, there are many exponents CRIT "respect" in all the possible froma. Among them: Black Noise, MC Lida, MC Solaar and Positive Black Soul, and obviously I would advise listening Movaizhaleine! Peace for all!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Disadvantages Of Rdbms

Bright idea? Avanti Tutta

The world eco-friendly lighting while you save on fuel consumption, the other raises the question of disposal, as the green lamp containing small amounts of toxic materials like mercury. In fact, with these new bulbs will limit the input of carbon dioxide but by an environmental point of view of their financial sustainability is not so favorable, because it takes material to produce more pollutants, mercury from fluorescent powders. Given that contain mercury and other heavy metals, fluorescent lamps must be collected and treated in special facilities. When you run out are considered hazardous waste . Not only that. The British Agency for Health Protection (HPA, Health Protection Agency) states that fluorescent bulbs emit ultraviolet radiation at exposure levels higher than allowed. -Of course-the danger increases if the exposure is direct and prolonged.

El mundo de la iluminación respetuosa of the environment, you por un lado el ahorro de los allows consumos, por otro lado el problem arises de The CONTAMINATION, dice que las contienen pequeñas green lamp amounts of toxic materials as mercury. In fact, with these new bulbs come down CO2 emissions but from an environmental point of view change is not as favorable, because materials used to produce more pollutants, dust from blooming until the mercury. because they contain mercury and other heavy metals, fluorescent light bulbs must be collected and processed in a secure manner. When they finish their lives are considered hazardous waste. And more. The British agency for health protection, said that fluorescent bulbs can emit UV radiation exposure levels greater than spoiled. The danger goes up, obviously if the exposure is direct and always extend in time.

I spoke some time ago and now approaching the time to change all the bulbs begin to arise doubts about the real need for this small but significant change overall. It 's strange how, after many years of pollution and poisoning, instead of thinking to produce less and therefore less contaminated, someone has got the idea to change the light bulbs. Fantastic! After the bulbs will turn to some other object and so on. 'S so hard to stop and think? Peace to all!

long ago I spoke of the issue and now it is about time to change all the bulbs begin to cast doubt on the real need for this small but significant global change . It is strange how, after so many years of pollution and poisoning, instead of thinking and thus produce less polluting less, someone hose the bright idea of \u200b\u200bchanging light bulbs. Congratulations! After the bulbs will be in turn to other things and so we continue. It's so hard pararce a thought? Peace for all!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cervix Gets Soft Before Ovu

! - Go ahead! Fratelli

December 4 Thousands of marine fish (PERU ') , December 11 Thousands of marine fish (PUERTO RICO), December 13 Hundreds of freshwater fish (AUSTRALIA), 13 dicembre10 tonnes of dead fish on the shore of Kawau Island (New Zealand), December 15 Thousands of fish dead on the coasts of Florida (USA), December 15 Hundreds of mullet in Sicily (ITALY), December 15 tonnes of marine fish (PERU), December 16 Thousands of marine fish ( MEXICO), December 16 Many freshwater fish (France), December 17 Hundreds of freshwater fish in Michigan (USA), December 17 Thousands of freshwater fish (ARGENTINA), December 18 Hundreds of fish d ' water dolce (SPAGNA), etc ...

December 4 Miles of marine fish ( PERU) , December 11 Thousands of marine fish ( PUERTO RICO) , December 13, hundreds of fish freshwater ( AUSTRALIA) , 13 dicembre10 tons of dead fish in the edge of Kawau Island ( NEW ZEALAND ) , December 15 Miles of dead fish on the shores of Florida (USA ) , December 15, hundreds of mullet in Sicily ( Italy ) , December 15 tonnes of marine fish ( PERU) , December 16 Miles of marine fish ( MEXICO ) , December 16 Many freshwater fish ( France ) , 17 December, hundreds of fish of freshwater in Michigan ( USA) , December 17 Miles of fish freshwater ( ARGENTINA ) , December 18, hundreds of fish freshwater ( SPAIN) etc ...

The list is long and the space devoted to this news is very short. Why? Fish and birds die worldwide in a short time and everything is still on TV! Big Brother continues to feed on brains and politics continues to eat the portfolios, while each of us knows exactly what is happening, but we do not want to see the reality and continue to want to create virtual worlds. They were few people know the value of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon, the rest of humanity has become useless, even harmful to all other beings and of itself. The majority is concerned about what will happen, but do not see what is happening. Peace to all!

The list is too long and the news space devoted to these other courts. Why? Fish and birds die worldwide in a short time and everyone is silent on TV! Big Brother continues sucking brains and politics continues sucking portfolios, while each of us knows what's going on, but do not want to see reality and we querendo create virtual worlds. Have been a few who know the true value of the Earth, the Sun and Moon, what's left of humanity has become useless and harmful for all people in addition that if same. Most are concerned for what will happen, but do not want to see what is happening. Peace for all!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Notorious Shelly Martinez Watch

to Granada - Granada

buon tempo Approfittando of Granada are Farmi venuti to visit, direttamente dalla Bassa Modenese i miei fratelli, per a brief intense vacanza ma. Metto qua picture alcuna dei momenti delle Salientia. Pace a tutti!

Granada Enjoying the good weather, I have seen, directly from the Modena plain my brothers, for a short but eventful holiday. I put some of the most interesting photos. Peace for all!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

No Emergency Heat Goodman And Honeywell

Brothers in rain also

Last night we saw the film that Spain will present Oscar. Great locations, the original idea and a flawless acting. I doubt the victory of the Oscar, given the good dose of social commentary in the film, though I hope to have the same good success in theaters around the world. Of course I recommend the visione.Pace everyone!

Ayer por la noche hemos seen pelicula that Spain will present on the night of the Oscars. Optimal environments, original idea and a flawless performance. I doubt the Oscar win, given the good dose of social criticism present in peli.De Anyway I hope you have a good success at the box office worldwide. Obvamente advise their vision.Paz for everyone!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cockroach Feces Soft Wet

La fame di Wall Street - Wall Street's hunger

L'increased prezzi dei generi alimentari dei , che has scatenato sanguinose Rivolte popolari in Tunisia and Algeria, è da provocato a phenomenon or cause naturali, come per la crisi dei dimostrato prezzi, 2007 / 2008 ciniche speculazioni finanziaria da? Nell'estate 2009 il "Rapporto Levin-Coburn 'della Permanent Subcommittee investigation showed the U.S. Senate, after a year of study, that high food prices had not had anything to do with the scarcity of food supplies caused by natural factors or problems in the supply chain: the cause was sought in unscrupulous speculative financial maneuvers. A year later, in summer 2010, the prestigious U.S. magazine Harper's published a thorough investigation entitled 'The bubble Food: How Wall Street's hungry millions and he got away with' , which were described in detail the investment funds offered precisely the speculative trader at Goldman Sachs together strateghi agli Usa di multinazionali Agroalimentari eat Cargill and ConAgra: miliardi di dollari di prezzo di profitti the carestia and Rivolta.

Rising food prices , which has desencatenado Argerie revultas in Tunisia and is a phenomenon caused by natural causes or as shown by the price crisis of 2007 / 08, however cynical financial speculation? In the summer of 2009, the Levin-Coburn raport of the committee of the Senate permanent U.S. research showed, after a year of studies, that the rise in food prices is not anything to do tube with food shortages caused by natural factors and distribution problems: the cause had to be found in the financial speculative. A year later, in the summer of 2010, the prestigious U.S. magazine Harper's published a study titled "bubble feeding. As Wall Street dejò hungry to millions of people and without being incriminated," in describing in detail the funds speculative investment invented by traders from Goldman Sachs strategists together with U.S. agribusiness multinationals like Cargill and ConAgra: billions of dollars to gain the price of hunger and war.

Certe sew little gradevoli sono da leggere, ma sono importanti per Capire really i fatti ed imparare il possibile per le volte Successive, c'è anche chi is holding essere umano che è l'animale che non l'unique di propri Errori unstoppable! Pace a tutti!

Certain things are not very nice to read, but are important to really understand the facts and learn what times FOLLOWING possible for even someone says that man is the only animal that NOW Learn from your mistakes! Peace for all!