Friday, December 25, 2009

Can You Go To Work With Chest Infection

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 14, 2009

What Does Sideways Victory Sign Mean

Arts and Crafts Expo

So I'll be there too ....
how exciting exhibit at the New Fair of Rome .....
........................................ Come to us!! !

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How Fake A Babys Abortion Paper

Compiblog! Chicca

My blog was born exactly one year ago, after I thought about it for a while 'time.
Ehhh, I know ... I'm a little slow to decide!
not kidding when I tell you that the name of the blog took me a couple of hours
were already occupied.
Eventually it dawned on me that I had visited a site some time ago and here was born the name. I think I reflect a lot.
And so begins my journey into the world of blogghiste
... When I started writing this blog, I did not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to write, even now ... and really

depends on what goes through my head ...
And then I start to let you know a bit 'of everything' that happens in my life ...
my hobby with which I am a bit at times:
sometimes I go crazy for decoupage, and then get to glass painting, beads and jewelry, sewing, photography, music, reading, movies, travel ...
only one thing he never gave up: my love for cats!
During this year I met many friends:
some were added, others do not I have heard, I would greet them and thank them all for making this year wonderful, interesting, full of new discoveries, and for alleviated those moments of solitude, which are always present.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Jaw Is Swollen From A Toothache What To Do?

happy birthday!

And today I add a candle to the cake of my life ...
A year in more than wisdom, commitment, joy and satisfaction ...
scattered dreams and desires in the soul ...
and time which will give off the candles tonight?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sony Bravia Scart Connections

3000! Stop

I want to thank all of you who visit my blog every day
making me reach 3,000 hits ...
thanks for your comments
leaving a trace of your passage
thank you ...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hair Stylists Birthday Cake


Today is a week that I was born! What fun ... To have come into this world!

My mum looks after me very well ... It 's a model mother ...

Today I was separated from my mother ... He was very restless and his eyes told me 'addio'con hope that my new' family care umana'mi know how she did with me.

growing rapidly, all calls my attention ... There are many children in this house, which for me are like 'brothers'. They are very kind to me, we play together with a ball that bite just for fun ...

Today my mistress has punished me, was angry because I peed in the house ... (No one ever told me where to do it!)

I am a happy dog. I have the warmth of a fireplace, I feel safe and secure. I think my 'human family' love me so much! When they are at the table even invite me and give me the food we bury in the yard.

Today is one year old, are an adult dog and my owners say they are growing more than they hoped.
should be very proud of me!

Today I do not feel very well ... I'm not fit, my 'brother' and took pulled the ball and since no one can touch his toys do not see why he should touch my ... So I went behind and I bite! My teeth are strong and I have unintentionally hurt! After that I took fright and tied to a chain that does not allow me to move even ... They told me that they are ungrateful and I should be monitored ...

Everything has changed, now living prisoner in the courtyard of the chain, I feel very lonely ... My 'human family' does not want me anymore. Sometimes they forget that I'm hungry, thirsty, and when it rains a roof to keep me warm ...

Today I have removed the chain, how nice! I have forgiven ?!? I'm so glad you jump for joy. I see the car. I will walk with them now?! Here! We climb in the car ... Mah! How far! We stopped ... I opened the door ... Finally I can run happy! But I do not understand why they closed the door and are distributed ... We hope that you do not forget me! I begin to run behind the car ... But do not stop! I understand ... Forsake me ...

I tried, in vain, the road to return home, but now I am convinced that you lost! Some good-hearted people look at me with sadness and give me something to eat. I thank them from the depths of the soul ... But I wish I adopt ... I just say 'poor little dog ... You have to be lost '..

The other day I went near a school, and I saw many children ... Many kids, like my 'brothers'. I approached them and began to pull me laugh ... One of those stones hit me the eye ... And from that moment I did not see ...

seems almost impossible, but when I was a beautiful dog people had pity on me ... Now that I'm weak, with an unsavory appearance, without an eye, people kicking me and leave me in the shadows ...

I can hardly move. I crossed a street where cars were passing, and one of them hit me, I thought to be in a safe place and yet I can not forget the looks of the driver of satisfaction. The pain is terrible, my hind legs and no longer meet with difficulty, I pulled into a clearing ... There are already 10 days that live hidden in the sun without food ... I can not move, are in a damp place and it seems to me that even my hair is falling. My only companions are cold and rain ... Some people pass by me as if she saw me ...
A strange force me to open the eye, I hear a sweet voice that makes me react, 'poor little dog, you are so small' ... I see the shadow of a lady accompanied by a man wearing white robes and turning the lady says 'I'm sorry ma'am, but there is no remedy for this dog, the best thing is to stop suffering'. With eyes full of tears ... the nice lady agrees
I just feel the sting of the injection and ... I fell asleep

abandonment NO!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Removing Dried Silicone From Shower Wall

Baby coming!! Greetings

at 12 and 16 ... the phone rings ...
I read on the monitor: Marula

How strange I tell myself, I never called the Sabbath ... then at this ....

must exercise something happened ... maybe the little Julia is not as good and as often happens the first to be notified is always me, the future pediatrician!

And so I say:

"Hello darling everything ok?" ask thoughtful ....

other side you hear a lot of noise, I hear people talking about the sea and lively ...

There can be no success ...

"Yeah, yeah, okay ... but I wanted to ask if you are ready to have a new patient!"

And from that moment, only screams of joy .... I get a new aunt!

The stork has left for another trip ... April will bring a new bundle in the family ... I am too happy, I'm not already in your skin!

They start phone calls ... I can not keep to me this wonderful news ...

The best call was with my mother, she too happy naturl, who managed to say, "but when you get your call to give me this news?"

will come ... come !!!!!

will be a boy or a girl?

Who knows .... we'll know soon, while we live this moment of happiness!

Greetings Marula and Emily!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Vegeta Proposal To Bulma

And here we are celebrating the birthday of our great-grandmother now!
Three generations in one shot .... very cool!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

First Lohri Invitation Text

grandmother got home!

I'm back home ... After a few days off
nell'amatissima Tuscany!
Guests at Orbetello and uncle's house in the company of 6 friends ...
I can not say that it was a relaxing holiday ... indeed!
different beaches every day, the Feniglia Giannella the beautiful beach and fresh water (a-clear sea with its white rocks and an incredibly sweet water for the presence of a source that flows directly into the sea) ... hours to sing a thousand songs to the rhythm guitar ... looking for fun evenings ... and a mythical fire a whole night and the moonlight with a lot of shooting stars! 4 days
really unforgettable!

And of course, although with some 'delay my best Aguri good August!
"Buon Ferragosto!
Who loves to sleep but wakes up in a good mood,
who still greets with a kiss,
who works hard and has more fun,
to those who go fast car but does not sound at traffic lights, who
arrives late but is not seeking an apology,
who turn off the TV for a chat,
who is happy when he twice in half,
who gets up early to help a friend,
who has the enthusiasm of a child and thought like a man,
who sees only black when it is dark. Buon ferragosto
who does not expect August to be better! "
And now back to routine ... books, books and more books!
Hello .... to prissima mythical summer vacation!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Nadine Jansen -big Tits

Happy holidays!

Although for a while, even I go on vacation ......
sea, arrival !!!!!!!

Hemoglobin, Physiology

Happy name day!! The world of Rome

Today is my name day!
Of course this is not like the birthday celebration, for some maybe it will be more superficial. But I think it's always
nice to see that one day you're in the spotlight, you're at the center of the world.
Congratulations to all the world and CLEAR .....
Thanks for the good wishes!

Monday, August 10, 2009

How Do You Make Chocolate Cigarillos?

a crazy world!
Indelible memories ...
See this video moves me ... makes me go back there on those bleachers hot sun and warmth of our Italian fans and it makes me relive those unforgettable experience!
Thanks to all those who have it done live!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Singapore Birthday Candles

Here again

are gone .... but not only of commitments fullest!

But I could not show photos of the beautiful belly dance recital and my girlfriends little sister Flavia and Julia ...

A very pleasant and enjoyable evening

Maybe next year I do not even ventured in this beautiful adventure?!

immortalized our photographer!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Vocabulary Help Level C

dungeon! At the Rose Garden

What a day !!!!!

Wake early to review the topics .....

a race with Paul to South America where there are waiting 3 teachers to examine the organs of sense ....

beginning with otolaryngology, dentistry and maxillofacial surgery and to end ....

hoped to have finished and instead here comes the fourth professor, ophthalmology, the most odious ...

short examination passed at the end !!!!!
Finally I came home with a beautiful and well-deserved smile ....

another examination was made and we arrived at -3!
Lure'm arrivandooooooooo !!!!!!!

now an evening to linger on my beautiful divanone ...

waiting for me there is a linen cloth for my future covered my mamy is embroidering for me ....
work was so beautiful!!

From tomorrow we start again with a new subject to study and if I can take some 'time I will start my embroidery sal backery laura which I joined ...

many things!!

Meanwhile best wishes to all ............................

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Red Bump On End Of Nose

We could not stroll the rose garden ....
colorful ....
thousand scents ....
indimenticable an afternoon!!

The rose means absolute perfection, a flawless completion

like and what you feel when you look at it and smell it

symbol of serenity

Passion, a pledge of true love, a symbol of love

Indicates eternal love and pure

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bell's Palsy Tooth Infection

You play! With the bar

Take a sheet of paper, write sentences, then cut out each word, close the pieces of paper notes (or if you are impatient of those people, accartocciateli), put them in the middle of the table, and choose a tot-to-head (this also depends on your laziness more or less).
Then, create phrases or expressions, or what comes to mind. Like, we have tried today.

A way to peace in the city.
Potatoes are the jam shit dead.
earth revolves round the sun.
Ascoltanso, Wild buys me a hammock.
The cabinet work.
temperature rises.

The phone smells like Nutella.
eating the almonds in a walk. See
red children. Buy
The sun is music. Do only
As the night.
gifts are green.
cigarettes tea. Simmel
Luke looks like a trio.

photos cured with vodka-apple.
I write books about doing.
is a walk-box.
is the shit!
The bike spoke with thc trees.
is a favorite Friday: go to the beach!

But the tart is sweet?
hate Michael. Sleeping. Monday, bring empty coffin.
glasses spotted blacks.
are happy days. Rest your hair.
Important Independence.
Art: biscuits with chocolate.
're in! What the fuck!
Take care!