Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Can I Get Toxoplasmosis More Than Once

Test (those that I love them, unfortunately) about mental disorders.

Well, I did this test. Judge you. They say I should worry about the fact that I have a serious principle of schizophrenia, having scored more than 35% in this field.

short, I took the test from here:

And I say this:

You scored 38 Schizophreny, 29 Bipolarism, 5 Hysteria, Neurosis and 26!

That's all folks! We will now analyze the results. It's normal to Have a percentage in all pathologies, Each human being cumulates Various Symptoms, coming from Various pathologies, it's not the problem. Consider yourself okay and balanced if you got 20-25% in all prototype. When you get comes Problems +35% in one prototype , it seems that you got enough symptoms to consider yourself on the edge of the razor in your prototype. When +45% in one prototype , you are clinically sick. When +60% in one prototype , you truly suffer and your life is obstructed by the disease +70% is characteristic of the madness. What is : NEUROSIS : Neurosis is a complex and polymorph disease , it can be a social chronic phobia (agoraphobia) or not, a general anxiety, a too pronounced melancholy, hypocondria or obsession. It's the most current disease , most representative is the nervous breakdown. it is the least serious of mental pathologies NEUROTIC IN HISTORY : Le n? ( agoraphobia ) , Voltaire ( melancholy ) , Manzoni ( Obsession ) , Kafka , Malraux , Zola ( Phobia ) HYSTERIA : Hysteria is much more widespread among women, it gathers paranoia, the psycho-somatism. An exaggerated authority and a bad image of the world and the human is a big symptom. Psycho-somatic hysteria is the least serious of the forms of hysteria. HYSTERICAL PERSONALITIES : Dante ( paranoia ) , Rousseau ( megalomanie ) , Schopenhauer ( somatism ) BIPOLARISM : The bipolarism is characterized by two phases, the maniac phase and the depressive phase. During the maniac phase, the patient is hyperactive , during the depressive phase ,the person is under a very big depression. Cyclothimy is a form a bipolarism. This disease is serious, and the patients arent truly cured BIPOLAR PERSONALITIES : Musset , G鲡rd de Nerval SCHIZOPHRENY : It is a chronic and evolutionary pathology , consequences are a deterioration of reality and cognitive disorders , schizophrens note auditive and visual hallucinations most of the time , the unfolding of personality is almost systematic , and their acts are dictated by an impression, a voice, a vision, generally divine. This disease is the most serious and cant be totaly cured. When the work of bad is completed, the patient is completely apart from reality. Schizophren arent always violent. FAMOUS SCHIZOPHREN: Julius Cesar , Goethe

Link: The What is your mental disease Test written by meloon on OkCupid , home of the The Dating Persona Test

Usufruitene all! And that paranoia is with you!


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