Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pain In Right Teticle When Bend Over

you save the life

From "Dada Manifesto of 1918, Tristan Tzara:

" To launch a manifesto will need: A, B, C, hurling invectives against 1, 2, 3, excited and sharpen the wings to conquer and spread large and small a, b, c, sign, shout, curse, give emphasis to the prose of obviousness absolute, irrefutable, demonstrating its non-plus-ultra and support that novelty resembles life as much as the last appearance of a cocotte demonstrates the essence of God
write a manifesto and I want nothing, yet I say certain things, and are in principle against the posters, as indeed they are against principles (measuring scoop for the moral value of any sentence). I write this manifesto to show that you can make contradictory actions simultaneously in a single breath refrigerant; are against the action, and also continuous for the contradiction to the statement are neither in favor nor against and I do not give good explanations why I hate sense.
DADA does not mean anything. If it is justified
futile and does not want to waste time for a word that means nothing. The first thought that buzzes in these brains is of a bacteriological: find the etymology, history, or at least psychological. He learns from the newspapers that the Kru Negroes call the tail of a sacred cow DADA. The cube and the mother does not know what the Italian region: DADA. The rocking horse, the nurse, two sides of the Russian and Rumanian: Dada. Some learned journalists see it an art for babies, for latria gurus, the current version of Gesùcheparlaaifanciulli, is a return to primitivism arid and boisterous, noisy and monotonous. You can not build all the sensitivity about a word, every building in the perfection that converges bored, stagnant idea of \u200b\u200ba golden swamp, on the human product. The work
Art should not be the beauty that is dead. A work of art is never good to decree, objectively, unanimously. The criticism is useless, there can exist only subjectively, each his own, and without any sense of universality. You may believe they have found a psychic basis common to all mankind? How can one order in the chaos of this entity shall inform infinitely variable: the man? I always talk to me because I will not convince anyone, I have no right to drag others in my current, do not force anyone to follow me and each one makes art that he likes.
Thus DADA was born from a need for independence. Those who depend on us are free. We do not rely on any theory. We have had enough of the cubist and futurist academies: laboratories of formal ideas: Maybe the art is done for money and smooth the hair of our dear bourgeois? The rhymes are the sound of coins. The pace and follows the rhythm of the stomach in profile.
All groups of artists have gone to the bank, riding different comets. An open door has the opportunity to bask in the warmth of the pillows and the food. The new painter creates a world whose elements are its own resources, a work sober and precise, without an object. The new artist rebels: he does not paint more (symbolic and illusionistic reproduction) but creates directly with stone, wood, iron, tin, rocks, organisms, locomotives that can turn on all sides, according to the limpid wind of the sensation of the moment.
Any pictorial or plastic work is unnecessary, at least that is a monster capable of frightening the spirits of slaves, and the decoration of the dining halls mawkish animal disguised as men, pictures of the sordid tale of humanity. A painting is the art of making meet two lines, parallel to the geometric statement, on a canvas, before our eyes, according to the reality of a world based on other conditions and possibilities. This world is not specified, nor defined in the work belongs to its many variations to the viewer.
The Dadaist spontaneity. Art is
a private thing. The artist does it for himself. The artist, poet, appreciates the venom of the mass that condenses in the captain of this industry. And 'happy when you feel insulted as a mark of his inconsistency. We need strong works, direct and imcomprese, once and for all. Logic is a complication. Logic is always false. All men cry out: There is a great job destructive, negative to do: sweep, clean. Without any purpose or project, without organization: the indomitable folly, decomposition. Every product of disgust capable of becoming denial of the family is Dada; protest with his fists to his entire being strained destructive action: Dada; taken of conscience of all the means so far suppressed by prudish sense of comfortable compromise and good manners: DADA; abolition of logic, the makeup of the powerless creation: DADA; of every social hierarchy and equation of values \u200b\u200bdetermined by the servants who hang out with us : DADA; every object, all objects, feelings, and the oxen, the apparitions and the clash of parallel lines are clear weapons for the fight: Dada; abolition of memory: DADA; abolition of archeology: DADA; abolition of prophets: DADA; abolition of the future: DADA; absolute faith that God is irrefutable allover the immediate product of spontaneity: DADA. "

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Can I Get Toxoplasmosis More Than Once

Test (those that I love them, unfortunately) about mental disorders.

Well, I did this test. Judge you. They say I should worry about the fact that I have a serious principle of schizophrenia, having scored more than 35% in this field.

short, I took the test from here:

And I say this:

You scored 38 Schizophreny, 29 Bipolarism, 5 Hysteria, Neurosis and 26!

That's all folks! We will now analyze the results. It's normal to Have a percentage in all pathologies, Each human being cumulates Various Symptoms, coming from Various pathologies, it's not the problem. Consider yourself okay and balanced if you got 20-25% in all prototype. When you get comes Problems +35% in one prototype , it seems that you got enough symptoms to consider yourself on the edge of the razor in your prototype. When +45% in one prototype , you are clinically sick. When +60% in one prototype , you truly suffer and your life is obstructed by the disease +70% is characteristic of the madness. What is : NEUROSIS : Neurosis is a complex and polymorph disease , it can be a social chronic phobia (agoraphobia) or not, a general anxiety, a too pronounced melancholy, hypocondria or obsession. It's the most current disease , most representative is the nervous breakdown. it is the least serious of mental pathologies NEUROTIC IN HISTORY : Le n? ( agoraphobia ) , Voltaire ( melancholy ) , Manzoni ( Obsession ) , Kafka , Malraux , Zola ( Phobia ) HYSTERIA : Hysteria is much more widespread among women, it gathers paranoia, the psycho-somatism. An exaggerated authority and a bad image of the world and the human is a big symptom. Psycho-somatic hysteria is the least serious of the forms of hysteria. HYSTERICAL PERSONALITIES : Dante ( paranoia ) , Rousseau ( megalomanie ) , Schopenhauer ( somatism ) BIPOLARISM : The bipolarism is characterized by two phases, the maniac phase and the depressive phase. During the maniac phase, the patient is hyperactive , during the depressive phase ,the person is under a very big depression. Cyclothimy is a form a bipolarism. This disease is serious, and the patients arent truly cured BIPOLAR PERSONALITIES : Musset , G鲡rd de Nerval SCHIZOPHRENY : It is a chronic and evolutionary pathology , consequences are a deterioration of reality and cognitive disorders , schizophrens note auditive and visual hallucinations most of the time , the unfolding of personality is almost systematic , and their acts are dictated by an impression, a voice, a vision, generally divine. This disease is the most serious and cant be totaly cured. When the work of bad is completed, the patient is completely apart from reality. Schizophren arent always violent. FAMOUS SCHIZOPHREN: Julius Cesar , Goethe

Link: The What is your mental disease Test written by meloon on OkCupid , home of the The Dating Persona Test

Usufruitene all! And that paranoia is with you!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Letter For Lohri Invitation

Ne 'and fear' delirium

"I'm at the bar."
I am just out of the bathroom where two gay designers I know I have just said that purple / green oil (the colors of my scarf and my coat) go great together, plus I wash my pantyhose while you reduce them and someone is proclaimed to my bodyguard while I was in the bathroom, I went outside, he was gone. For a few seconds I scan the crowd to capture the face that may have said, but then I think I'm overstating my intuition. Of course, all this orbiting
to my skull, every word is a satellite. So what I say on the phone is simply: "Ok."
Then I think: "On the balcony? Where is this place has a balcony?".
later to find him.
"There is a balcony, if anything, a counter" I think after some time.

When you spend the evening surrounded by people you can not help but feel somewhat protected, or anesthetized, because you know you're just, you know that at least the will or the non-desire of the people around you is comparable to your nonvoglia want to be-in the same place. When the people you know starting coming in from different places and you find yourself more or less alone in the middle faces you know only by sight (those with which it is more difficult to interact, whereas there are also familiar faces (including familiar faces too much or too little) and I do not know (including faces and you'd like to meet ), this is traumatic.
I managed to awaken from the coma ethyl naming a boy my French teacher, then I took a martial arts film, of which the pictures are running too fast on the big screen. I know if I love or hate the fact that what you see on screen is not never what you hear on the premises.
After a while I bundled I grabbed the beer, there are types of reliable lead us out of there, that driving has horrible taste in music, I do not know if I want or not want to be there, are the height of cynicism, tonight. I do not have the card in the room where we are going, I have no money to pay for it, should I stay outside, no one gives anything, all the people who could give a damn about no more. Eventually I do get the same, maybe just because I have a voice and eyes and wearing of the mature Mary Jane. I do not change much, I would have gone, I do not know why I'm entering, in fact I'd rather be out listening to two law graduates are facing in rather colorful tones. Within, inside there is something similar to reggae, that certainly does not suck the reggae, so I lean against the wall to fix the macho homophobic bastards who are putting the disc, repeat the reggae and it sucks that you can not I find myself thinking that reggae sucks later on Saturday evening in a local or should I be doing more, or to dance. Perhaps the problem lies in the fact that I, on Saturday night, I'm thinking. Meanwhile, a girl is making me a deluge of photos, I leave and I do not even turn towards the goal, I'm sorry, I think when we see something and would like to have a machine at all costs to photograph it, but then that something subitissimo vanishes. Tonight this something for the girl I am, so I can not can not can not move. I remain motionless. I hope it has made a number of those photos that highlight what I have the potential to be a French girl sad. Esco
later, I go by in the meantime get people I know, dance, scream nasty things in the middle of the track, all more or less running around the fact that reggae music sucks and that Rastafarianism is anti-democratic. Oh well, it's a religion. However bad.

In bed, they decide to catapult me \u200b\u200bin funny places. The bed accelerates along with the capsule / spaceship / room, continue to pour into a vortex that part of my left pupil and then extend my field of vision in all shades of blue. In addition there is the sound continuing with an alarm that makes me feel more alert, probably because, in front of me, there is a mannequin with the head of a cat and, beside him, a giant portrait of the muzzle of a cat. I feel a fear for cats that I have always misunderstood. The chandelier spins like a siren, so I understand that the alarm comes from there. I can not sleep, everything is so beautiful compared to the rest ...!