Sunday, September 30, 2007

Broken Hymen Bleeding Hotfile

"Everyone has something to say," or "A thousand possibilities of verbal and para-," or "All my friends are superheroes. "

Or excerpts of conversations actually took place modified to make them more immediate.

Luca (voice set (her) and make very serious). "You know, at first I was undecided whether to do theater or swimming, but then I thought that the theater does not have the physical ...".

Me: "What happened after I went back home?".
Jade, quite accidentally, hunting out of the bag by a short primer encrusted with green inside with a lighter and a pencil, then turns in profile and one can see on the cheek of those who put a stamp on your hands when you've already paid the entry into a room.

Elisa ruffles hair the all fall before my eyes.
Me: "Uh, you look like a model in the factory of Andy Warhol."
witty person sitting at the table next to ours: "Hey Look!" Lady Oscar ".

Fabio: "And then, in the end I was stuck and I had to do a goddamn card dell'Euroclub.
Me: "But why?".
Fabio: "Well, you know, I was stoned."
Me "...".
Fabio: "Yes, I did not understand anything ..."
Me: "...".
Fabio: "Yes, I plugged the ears ...".
Me: "By chance the" promoter "was nice?".
Fabio: "Eh.
She was pretty."

person whose name I will not say emitting lines subhuman "FederIiIicooO ... I do not know ... ... Beeemboooouu chiùùùùùùùù !!!".

Paola tries to unscrew the head. Really.

Someone: "What are you reading?".
Me: "Uh, nothing ... Delusions of Young Werther ...".


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