Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bell's Palsy Tooth Infection

You play! With the bar

Take a sheet of paper, write sentences, then cut out each word, close the pieces of paper notes (or if you are impatient of those people, accartocciateli), put them in the middle of the table, and choose a tot-to-head (this also depends on your laziness more or less).
Then, create phrases or expressions, or what comes to mind. Like, we have tried today.

A way to peace in the city.
Potatoes are the jam shit dead.
earth revolves round the sun.
Ascoltanso, Wild buys me a hammock.
The cabinet work.
temperature rises.

The phone smells like Nutella.
eating the almonds in a walk. See
red children. Buy
The sun is music. Do only
As the night.
gifts are green.
cigarettes tea. Simmel
Luke looks like a trio.

photos cured with vodka-apple.
I write books about doing.
is a walk-box.
is the shit!
The bike spoke with thc trees.
is a favorite Friday: go to the beach!

But the tart is sweet?
hate Michael. Sleeping. Monday, bring empty coffin.
glasses spotted blacks.
are happy days. Rest your hair.
Important Independence.
Art: biscuits with chocolate.
're in! What the fuck!
Take care!